Thursday, September 3, 2009

Are you a migraine sufferer?

One thing I hate about life being a woman is migraine. There are also men who suffer from migraine but not as much as women.

I started experiencing migraine when I first get my menstrual period. I have only few triggers. The most is 14 days before my menstrual period or during my period. I seek for doctor's advice but all of them just tell me to have a rest and take pain reliever on the onset of migraine or take a medication before the onset. I just don't like the idea of taking medicines before the onset of migraine. I've been reading a lot from the internet on how to manage migraine. Some are saying to take magnesium and vitamin b. There are lots who say just take a rest, relax and take a deep breath.

It's hard to have a migraine. It usually last for about 1 to 3 days. I usually end-up being absent from work due to migraine. I cannot attend to my daughter and husband's needs due to that pain. I can't eat and usually feel nauseated. I sometimes throw-up if the pain is really unbearable. It's hard to sleep because migraine pain is throbbing. My eyes are sensitive to light. So I used an eye mask and keep my room unlighted. I also hate noise. It makes my migraine worst. I want a quiet and dark room during those migraine days. I really hate migraine. The pain is more than a labor pain for me. Labor pain will only last for about 12 hours while migraine as I have said can last 1 to 3 days.

If you're a woman and not suffering from migraine, then you are so lucky. I wish I was that lucky, too!

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