Monday, April 27, 2015

My Experience Working At Home

I was lucky to be hired by a company that offers work at home.  But, not all employees are allowed to work at home in that company. It depends on your work and project.  Actually, I only started working at home when I'm already four and a half years working in the company.  I get pregnant and when I returned from maternity leave, I was allowed to work at home for 2 days in a week.  I was thankful for that because I have more time with my baby and my elder daughter during the days that I work at home. I was able to save time from travel and preparing myself to go to the office.  I used those saved hours in bonding with my kids, specially with my baby.  It needs discipline to be able to work at home.  Since I am regular employee, I still have to work on a specific time which is 8am to 5pm or 6pm.

On my next post, I will elaborate how I did it well working at home. 

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Summer Destination - Noah's Park Resort

It's summer again! It's the time of the year to plan where to go on swimming. Here in Rizal, there are lots of resorts to choose from.
Last year, we went in Noah's Park Resort in Rodriguez, Rizal. The place is not just a resort but a park as well. It is so huge that you can walk and stroll around. The air is so fresh. There is a big pond, waterfalls (manmade), garden maze, a place for team building where you can have lots of activities, mini chapel, hanging bridge and a lot more.
This summer we are planning to go in Green Nature Resort in Patiis San Mateo, Rizal.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Are you a migraine sufferer?

One thing I hate about life being a woman is migraine. There are also men who suffer from migraine but not as much as women.

I started experiencing migraine when I first get my menstrual period. I have only few triggers. The most is 14 days before my menstrual period or during my period. I seek for doctor's advice but all of them just tell me to have a rest and take pain reliever on the onset of migraine or take a medication before the onset. I just don't like the idea of taking medicines before the onset of migraine. I've been reading a lot from the internet on how to manage migraine. Some are saying to take magnesium and vitamin b. There are lots who say just take a rest, relax and take a deep breath.

It's hard to have a migraine. It usually last for about 1 to 3 days. I usually end-up being absent from work due to migraine. I cannot attend to my daughter and husband's needs due to that pain. I can't eat and usually feel nauseated. I sometimes throw-up if the pain is really unbearable. It's hard to sleep because migraine pain is throbbing. My eyes are sensitive to light. So I used an eye mask and keep my room unlighted. I also hate noise. It makes my migraine worst. I want a quiet and dark room during those migraine days. I really hate migraine. The pain is more than a labor pain for me. Labor pain will only last for about 12 hours while migraine as I have said can last 1 to 3 days.

If you're a woman and not suffering from migraine, then you are so lucky. I wish I was that lucky, too!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Avoiding Everyday Rush

How to eliminate clutter and simplify life?

Are you one of the many women who work 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday? Do you have kid/s that go to school early in the morning. If your answer is yes, then you definitely experiencing the everyday rush.

I think it is always the role of a woman to prepare your kids to school, prepare for everyday meal and many other things that needed to be prepared everyday.

You can avoid everyday rush and make your life easier by doing some of the following tips:

  1. If you are working and got no time, you can avoid everyday rush by having a helper to do the meals and prepare your kid's things like uniforms, bags, socks, shoes etc.
  2. But, if you don't have any household help then;
  • Avoid everyday rush by teaching your child (if older enough to learn) to fix herself or himself. In this way, your task will be lessened.
  • Avoid everyday rush by preparing anything you can at night like uniform for the following day, school things and assignments.
  • Think of meals that can be cooked at night then reheat in the morning.
  • Or if you don't have time at night then you may get up very early so you can have more time to prepare everything and avoid the rush.

Being a woman is not easy. Coping with everyday rush is stressful. At times you will feel very tired.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

another role of a woman

Yesterday, we've been to a birthday party at Jollibee. It's my niece's 3rd birthday. I recalled preparing a birthday party for my daughter last year. She was 7 years old then. Being a woman, on my opinion, it is always your role to prepare for any occasion like this.

Friday, August 21, 2009

daily chores being a woman

And so another day has passed. Since it's holiday yesterday here in the Philippines, it's also a time for bonding with my daughter. Part of being a woman of course is to take care of your child/children, if you have.

Different women has various ways to bond with their kid/s. My typical ways of bonding with my daughter are by playing computer games, watching movie and taking a bath together. It is indeed a bonding moment. There are lots of ways to bond with your daughter that you can read on the internet.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

my responsibilities as a woman

Just like other women, I am also a working mom. It's hard because your responsibilities started as wife, mother then an employee. After working hours, when I'm home I need to attend to my daughter's need. Then at night need to attend to my husband.

Being a woman is hard but it's also very rewarding especially if you have a loving family.